21 Nov A Thanksgiving message from us to you.
I wish to personally thank you for your support in spreading the word about The Wealth Conservatory over the past year. We’ve been able to help a great many individuals make reasoned, well-informed decisions about things like when to optimally begin receiving Social Security benefits, whether paying cash or taking out a mortgage on a new residence would best further their unique interests, how to use a donor-advised fund to maximize tax savings through their planned charitable giving, and how to strategically diversify their savings and investments to hedge against rising interest rates, declining purchasing power, and a weakening dollar.
Members of the Conservatory have reaped the advantages of low-cost institutional investment solutions unavailable to retail investors, continuous exposure to the buy-low/sell-high opportunities afforded through frequent rebalancing, and unlimited access to a team of seasoned financial professionals with expertise in tax, retirement, estate, and personal financial planning.
Dozens of non-members also have been assisted through hourly- and project-based financial and investment planning services, that are not generally available through traditional wealth and investment management vendors.
Like physicians in the medical community, our charge is much more a calling than a business enterprise. We strive to help board members of charitable organizations to excel in meeting their fiduciary responsibilities, and to assist individuals in realizing their retirement and legacy ambitions. By helping them to find us through your word of mouth, you play as important a role in securing their futures, as does our team at the Conservatory.
We are all in this community together, and by helping one another we help ourselves. As long as you continue spreading the word about us, we will continue to provide your and our neighbors with the fiduciary and financial counseling services they simply cannot get from the banks, brokerage firms, and wealth or investment managers who dominate the financial services marketplace.
On behalf of the entire team at the conservatory, I offer our sincere appreciation for your continuing confidence and support, and extend to you our very best wishes for a heart-filled holiday season and a happy, healthy, and fruitful New Year.
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